Living and laughing with a disability - cerebral palsy; ordinary life, extraordinary circumstances.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Trusty GPS and Google maps?

This lady is suing Google over walking directions that led her on too dangerous of a path:

Woman, hit by car, sues Google for faulty directions | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

We were in Bend over the weekend. Trying to find our motel, our Garmin gps led us off the highway, around a few blocks, and back onto the highway.

That instant when you realize the gps has led you astray and you have to use your brain to figure out the needed correction is really frustrating.

We were trying to find a place for breakfast yesterday. We found out the Denny's on the Garmin is no longer a Denny's. Some of the baseball venues we needed to find were not even on the Garmin. Three teammates were late to a game because of that.

I wouldn't sue Google over a faulty map, or Garmin over wrong directions, but I do understand the frustration.

Yes, we should carry maps and not over trust technology...but then we need to learn to read the blasted things again!

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