Living and laughing with a disability - cerebral palsy; ordinary life, extraordinary circumstances.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you Guv Schwarzenegger

Kinda sad...we see these kind of glitches..check vs. credit my goverment office with nother agencies.

We work in a "Rules is rules" environment. Sometimes it takes a guv to stop the madness:

Schwarzenegger: Overlook glitch, let paralyzed grad take bar exam - "'Government should work for the people, not against them, and I'm calling on the state bar to allow Sara Granda to take next week's test. Sara is a fighter, and I am with her all the way.'

The state bar's Web site never processed Granda's application for Tuesday's test because California's Department of Rehabilitation paid her $600 fee with a check, according to the Sacramento Bee. The Web site requires a credit card number, but Granda said she was assured by a state bar representative that she was properly registered with the check, the newspaper reported."

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