Living and laughing with a disability - cerebral palsy; ordinary life, extraordinary circumstances.

Friday, January 19, 2007

From Where I'm Sitting: Disability Questions

10 questions regarding disability as answered by Tokah, a blogger with congenital hip malformation:

From Where I'm Sitting: Disability Questions

He was inspired by Emma:

She got the questions of No Pity:

I will need to answer these questions myself:

  1. If you could re-live your life without having your disability, would you?

  1. Do you want people to show interest by asking personal questions about your disability?

  1. What is the hardest thing in life for you to do?

  1. What is the hardest obstacle that you have to overcome often?

  1. Do you resent people that try to help you?

  1. Would you rather do things on your own?

  1. Do you feel any anger towards God because of your disability?

  1. What do you dislike the most of other people around you (ex- people staring, pointing, etc)?

  1. What is the best way for us to help you?

  1. Do you feel awkward when you are around people that are different than you?

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