Living and laughing with a disability - cerebral palsy; ordinary life, extraordinary circumstances.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jodie wants to change things

Jodie and E painted his room basin blue...while I was a work. I don't know how E moved his dresser and the bookshelf. Ignorance is fine by me. I thought it would look too dark...but it actually looks nice!

Jodie wants to move our office out of our garage into our third bedroom. That means emptying our third bedroom of he 300 plus doll collection. They will be going into storage, into the garage.

Last year our family added insulation and walls to finish our garage. We have two "L" shaped office cube-style desks so that it makes a square "U". I have my 13-inch tv in the corner. I like it out here in the garage...but it is colder out here. We leave the door open that leads into the family room when I am out here. Jodie and E are usually in the family room at night; I'm usually in the office. My objection to that plan is that I will be far away from Jodie and E at night. Jodie contends that she will be in the office more at night if it is in the house where it is warm.

Another piece of the equation is Bonnie and Clyde, our beloved mutts. Dachshund/Yorke mix, brother and sister -- they are wild and untrained. Owners to blame; we except that. We have gotten in the habit of leaving our bedrooms closed....otherwise they drag out all sorts of interesting stuff. Under the new plan we will keep stuff picked up and doors open. Faith and hope that they take the responsibility of having run of the house serious.....riiigghhttt!

As any good husband knows, you don't want to get in the way of a Woman and her plan...

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